From ugly to uglier
I've been off program for about seven days now. Tomorrow, right Mary?
The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.
Disastrous weekend. Inadvertently got extra fries at the drive thru for the fam after a visit to the barn. Ate said fries after one of my horses got a deep cut on her lip after running into a fence. Since this is episode #432 of horse emergencies in the last month pulling me away from the family I freaked a little. Husband NOT amused by $$$/time I'm devoting to horses. But I got back on track at dinner. But as I was stuffing Easter Eggs I indulged in some PB eggs. Tasted salty, too sweet, but I was back in emotional eating mode.
Day 10. I'm a little more hungry since I've been interspersing "real" food throughout the day. I should try to stick to shakes along until dinner. Not much interesting going on. Everything feels a little looser (a positive) but I've got a loooooong way to go.
So I've started to sneak too many little bits of "allowed" food in as snacks throughout the day (today it was 2 wedges light Laughing Cow cheese and a tsp of PB). My calories are still under 1000 for the day, but man am I hungry. I guess it does make most sense to just stick to the program. *sigh*
One week down! I had hoped to see more movement on the scale, but I'll take the five pound loss.
Scale has stayed the same the last four days and supposedly it just falls off you the first week. I'm going to try to adhere a little more strictly to the plan from here on out. No cheese. Measure everything. Make sure I get in all my packets. Start walking more. Move, scale, move!!!
After reading the handy lil' Medifast book that came with my "food" (and I'm using that term loosely) I realized I can split meals that involve real food as long as I keep to the same calories/carbs/protein as I would with the regular meal. So, that means I can have a little lunch and a little dinner. I do sorta miss chewing already.
today we took the kids to an easter egg hunt--and thankfully e downed all the chocolates in record time (she DOES take after me). there was a table with all sorts of pastries and surprisingly, i was not tempted. we were going to go out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants (and someplace where i knew i could get something "on program") but the kids at so much at the egg hunt we went straight home. so i pouted a little. i'm already getting sick of lettuce and grillers!
Woke up feeling a little lightheaded and was a little hungry this morning. Overall, I'm feeling better, though. I'm down four pounds on the scale--although I know it's mostly water weight, it is SO good to see the scale heading in that direction.
Last night I felt awful--headache, nausea, neck spasm...
Ok, I exaggerate. It's day 2. Woke up SO not wanting to be on the program, so not wanting to choke down a drink. So I have a bar instead. I feel ok...a little weak, a little sweaty. I steal a few bites of E's griller breakfast and I instantly feel better. I'll just eat a little less tonight, right?
My first month's Medifast meals arrived in a box yesterday. Weird to think most of my meals for the next month fit in a 2 x 2 foot box. Even weirder to think how much space what I would usually eat would occupy. Or to think of it all jammed together in a little trash compacter (remember those?) cube. Blech.
I'm struggling on so many levels right now...I'm stressed. I'm depressed. I'm anxious. I'm almost 40 and I feel like I am going through a second adolescence. I feel awkward, unsure, and unworthy. Working from home may not be working out for me so much. Ya think?