Weight Loss Since 12/15/08: 14 pounds


The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Medifast Diet, Day 1: Let the fun begin!

My first month's Medifast meals arrived in a box yesterday. Weird to think most of my meals for the next month fit in a 2 x 2 foot box. Even weirder to think how much space what I would usually eat would occupy. Or to think of it all jammed together in a little trash compacter (remember those?) cube. Blech.

The day has gone something like this:
7:30 a.m. I start the day with a somewhat chalky but palatable "caramel" bar this morning, washed down by a Diet Coke.

9:30 a.m. I choke down a somewhat lumpy "chai latte"--not sure if it was the lumps or the drink itself, but I gag just a little. It's ok tasting--although somewhat chemical. I wash it down with 32 ounces of water and another DC.

12:00 p.m. I get a call from my Medifast coach asking how it's going. I tell her I am hungry. Nice to have someone looking in on me, though.

12:30 p.m. Stomach rumbling, I steal 1/4 a pickle spear from my husband's lunch (it's allowed!) and make a Dutch Chocolate shake with some ice and water. It's ok. I can probably stand it for four months. :-) My last pre-program meal last night (3 slices cheese pizza, salad, and a bottle of cider) seems SOOOOOOO long ago.

3:00 Choked down brown sugar oatmeal. Strange bitter aftertaste. Blech, blech, blech. On the plus side, I'm sick to my stomach instead of hungry now. A little heartburn and nausea never hurt a girl on a diet.

5:45 My wonderful (and only) real meal of the day. Two Morningstar Farms grillers on two cups of lettuce with 1 tablespoon lowfat dressing. I can tell I am really hungry because it tasted delicious!

7:30ish Not really looking forward to it, but I have one more "meal" to work in. I chug a Swiss Mocha packet and quickly chase it with a glass of water.

And I get to get up tomorrow and do it all again.


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