Weight Loss Since 12/15/08: 14 pounds


The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear sweet jeebus

Disastrous weekend. Inadvertently got extra fries at the drive thru for the fam after a visit to the barn. Ate said fries after one of my horses got a deep cut on her lip after running into a fence. Since this is episode #432 of horse emergencies in the last month pulling me away from the family I freaked a little. Husband NOT amused by $$$/time I'm devoting to horses. But I got back on track at dinner. But as I was stuffing Easter Eggs I indulged in some PB eggs. Tasted salty, too sweet, but I was back in emotional eating mode.

Woke Sunday determined to get back on track. At about 10 a.m. got emergency call #2 from barn. Horses ran through fence. Cut lip now dangling from face. It's Easter. Husband is trying to paint. Husband thinks it's time to get rid of horses and a fight ensues about that and all the unspoken issues in our relationship. Leave in tears. Lip is indeed dangling. Older (other) horse shockingly unable to put head down and trembling an hour after incident. Call vet in tears. Sure this is it for the old boy, who has a HOST of expensive issues. Give him painkiller and wait. Within the hour he's able to relax the neck and eat. Go home, make Easter dinner (and taste a bit of the kids meal) and have a salad. Consume more Easter candy then head back out to check on horses.

I've gone all weekend without having one of the programs "shakes".

Wake Monday determined to get back on program. Go out to barn and watch vet cut dangling lip from horses face. Mentally tally vet bill. Go home and eat daughter's chocolate Easter bunny. (Yes, I'm a bad, bad mommy).

Need to get back on program from here on out.


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