Weight Loss Since 12/15/08: 14 pounds


The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hitting bottom

Went for a four miler today. It was hard. It shouldn't have been. Lesson learned--food is fuel for my body--not a source for stress release. I felt SO bloated last night and ate waaaaaay too much. I know my weight HAS to be creeping (if not sky rocketing) up.

Food is fuel.

Food is fuel.

Food is fuel.

I may use MF throughout the day. It's filling and without hunger cues I know any desire to get into the kitchen=stress eating.

I did wake up at 5:30 a.m. with E in my bed. When she woke up I told her it was still "night night" time and she went right back to sleep. I *could* have used her presence as an excuse, as I have in the past, to stay put and snuggle back under the covers.

But I didn't. I didn't want to go. I wanted to go back to bed. But I eventually got out the door and even managed to pass two slim women trucking along. Woot!

It was hard. I walked but was breathing hard enough to be running.

I missed my five mile on Weds and my three miler on Thurs--Ella was home sick. I did four this a.m. and will bike for an hour over lunch to help catch up with cardio and undo the damage of the past week.

Really girl, get a grip!


Blogger Kittenktty said...

You snuck a couple in there on me. I totally get the out of prison and chowing down on the carbs, cheetos are a big weakness for me too.
I've always had my cheats, never mentioned them wasn't in the mood to get flamed, I knew denying myself too much I would not continue. I did incorporate them into my program and knowing I could have them, I didn't need them very often. I did always watch my carb content, and I did learn some moderation, especially if I nibbled like a hamster on some things a few would go a long way and I could be satisfied.
I think incorporating some MF or maybe see about some Atkins or South Beach stuff (not sure any of them is particularly cheaper or better for that matter) is a great idea. Are you still getting in all your water????? That will go a long way toward relieving some of the bloating carbs feelings. Maybe recording what you eat at like My Plate or something will help too. For me seeing is believing and I know I'm not real good at math in my head LOL especially when I want more, amazing how the number go down so quickly or I "forgot" I ate that.
It looks like I may have to record a gain this week, but I just checked my measurements and it looks like about 3 more are gone. So finally my muscle growth is surpassing my fat loss, which is good and means my gaol weight is right on for me.
Huge Huggs Hun, cut yourself just a bit of slack and jump right back into your training, just be careful and don't hurt yourself :)

10:01 AM  

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