Should be running out of excuses any day now...
O.M.G. WTF?!?!? What is wrong with me? I dump $300 on product and then just don't follow the program? Why am I defeating myself? Why do I want to continue to feel like crap about myself? What purpose is food serving me?
Ate SO much yesterday--subway, spaghetti, and about a cubic foot of birthday cake (only a minor exaggeration).
Today had one griller this a.m. followed by about 3/4 cup of PB. At 3:30 I am calling this stupid, self-defeatist game I'm playing with myself.
I want to run marathons again.
I want to feel pretty again.
I want to feel like a woman again.
I want more energy.
I want my clothes to fit.
I want my kids and my husband to be proud of me (rather than embarrassed of me).
I want to focus on things other than my weight.
I want my frickin confidence back.
I want to feel free again.
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