Weight Loss Since 12/15/08: 14 pounds


The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bwaa haa haa haa!

I can't tell if I should be laughing or crying. I'm still in the same spot I was when I had the great idea to create this blog. I may even be a few pounds more. I'm a good thinker--it's just the execution I have difficulty with.

Like this blog, I've started out my diet (and restarted, and restarted) with the best of intentions, only to abandon my efforts when something else attracts my attention. With a full time job and two year old twins, it happens about every other minute.

I've got a marathon to run and a 20 year high school reunion to attend on the same weekend in October. If that won't get my ass moving, nothing will.

So here's the plan moving forward (for at least the next five minutes):
-Blog weekly
-"Journal" my food
-Chart where I need to be weekly to reach 145 by October 7 (I'm already past reasonable weight loss here, but a girl can dream)
-No eating on the couch in front of the TV

Until we meet again...



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