Hitting bottom
Went for a four miler today. It was hard. It shouldn't have been. Lesson learned--food is fuel for my body--not a source for stress release. I felt SO bloated last night and ate waaaaaay too much. I know my weight HAS to be creeping (if not sky rocketing) up.
Food is fuel.
Food is fuel.
Food is fuel.
I may use MF throughout the day. It's filling and without hunger cues I know any desire to get into the kitchen=stress eating.
I did wake up at 5:30 a.m. with E in my bed. When she woke up I told her it was still "night night" time and she went right back to sleep. I *could* have used her presence as an excuse, as I have in the past, to stay put and snuggle back under the covers.
But I didn't. I didn't want to go. I wanted to go back to bed. But I eventually got out the door and even managed to pass two slim women trucking along. Woot!
It was hard. I walked but was breathing hard enough to be running.
I missed my five mile on Weds and my three miler on Thurs--Ella was home sick. I did four this a.m. and will bike for an hour over lunch to help catch up with cardio and undo the damage of the past week.
Really girl, get a grip!