Weight Loss Since 12/15/08: 14 pounds


The inane ramblings of a forty-year-old hopeful loser. After failing to lose fifty pounds of baby weight on a host of programs since giving birth FOUR years ago, I'm still at it. This blog is intended to chronicle that journey and to keep me accountable.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

If you do what you've always done... (week 0)

I headed over to ww yesterday evening to weigh in. The weigh in wasn't pretty, as expected and the meeting itself was only a little painful.

For some inexplicable reason, the centers always seem to be right next to fast food restaurants (Dairy Queen, Red Robin, you get the picture). As I walked up to this particular location stomach rumbling (it was dinner time), the smell of fries and burgers taunted me. I've always gone to meetings hungry--as if that's going to make a huge impact on the tale from the scale. Fat is fat, stomach empty or full.

The interior resembed what you might find in a church basement--folding chairs laid out in a poorly lit room with torn posters on the wall. Not exactly inspiring.

Surprisingly there was only one (count 'em, one) person present with a case of the serious crazies (and it wasn't me). The leader was a cheerful, encouraging woman (I'll even forgive the assenine "name all the foods that are the color of fall folliage" exercise--they obviously don't think much of the typical consumer's mental capacity). When I stepped on the scale the leasder said something I can remind myself when I'm getting down about where am at: "You will never have to see that number again."

So, what is that horrific, terrible, how the $#@*! did I get here number? The ugly details to follow at next week's weigh in. Somehow I'll feel a lot better posting the details when I can post a loss next to the big, fat number (hint: it's much, much closer to 200 than 100 *gasp!*).

The plan for this week:
-write down everything I eat (duh)
-drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
-stay within my points range (24/day) and my "flex points" (35/wk)
-exercise at least 4 times this week
-come up with top ten reasons I want to lose weight (hmm...let's see: the kids, the husband, health, appearance, longevity, staving off diabetes, ability to run again, feeling freer, and most importantly, I don't want my daughter to grow up judging her worth by her appearance which is likely to happen with a mommy obsessed with her weight/food)

Until later.


Blogger red said...

So, what were those foods with autum colors? Cheetos - beautiful bright orange? Twinkies - nice tan? Ding Dongs - deep brown?

Oh, they probably meant squash, carrots, and the like...

7:30 PM  
Blogger -Mommy Tsunami said...

Don't forget a nice lemon cheesecake - yellow. Mmmmm.

10:23 AM  

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